This blog will be a site to log all the gaming and testing I do and show what needs to be changed in many games. Plus I will put whatever chapters I write for my book in here!
Published on April 16, 2014 By sulley1 In PC Gaming

So I recently bought a new Dell Inspiron 11 3000 with a touch screen. I then decided to install and fire up GC2 because, duh, it's a sweet game. I also installed Civ5 and tried to play it because it has a special touch enabled mode, but it ran at a low frame-rate. GC2 ran with flying colors, and the touch screen was amazing. I don't know if Stardock planned for touch screens, but man this game plays good. All the buttons are easily big enough to push on a small 12" screen and the game is super responsive. I can even use a two finger squeeze to zoom out! The thing I was most surprised about was how right clicks work. You just have to hold your finger on a tile or planet for a little longer than a regular click/touch and a selected ship would autopillot there! 

I just want to say good job to Stardock for forward looking, even if they didn't mean to! I was also wondering if GC3 will have the same ability to be used with a touch screen? I could even test it out, because this new machine is 64bit (and I will)!

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