This blog will be a site to log all the gaming and testing I do and show what needs to be changed in many games. Plus I will put whatever chapters I write for my book in here!
Published on March 9, 2012 By sulley1 In Sins Rebellion

I know that most of us have already pre-ordered and been charged for the downloadable version of Rebellion, but are we going to be able to upgrade to a boxed version? I would reeeeeeeeeeeeeally like to have one.


Comments (Page 3)
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on Mar 14, 2012


Not. That would be really pointless.

on May 23, 2012

Al I got out of this is that I can't play the game because I don't have an Internet connection at home and can't download the game. Crap

on May 23, 2012

you could download steam setup put on usb drive and port to home computer   same for game port all files from game download to steam......just remember to show hidden files so they get picked up too

on May 23, 2012

I would definitely go for a collector's box. The two things I would like most are an art book and/or a poster (in easy to frame dimensions). I love models and sound tracks and box art too.

on May 23, 2012

We are working on a Collector's Edition for Rebellion that will be available direct only. Too soon to provide details or cost info on this yet.


If that Kol picture on facebook is anything to go by...

on May 23, 2012

That kol is resin.  It will come with the Rebellion Collector's Edition.

1,000+ of the things will be made.  Yarlen told me.

the Rebellion CE will cost more than $50.  Probably $100 or so.

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